Tuesday, September 30, 2008



My goal this year was to run a marathon. I made the goal sometime in February for my 'new years resolution.' Tho guess I didn't take it serious and decided that I should, But also realized that time was running out and I wouldn't be able to get into a marathon before the year was over. Another problem is I developed some pain in my left leg that started far before I ran my half marathon.

It began hurting again more intense a few weeks before the marathon - which is about the time I started training for it. I planned on running 22 miles on labor day - but was hesitant b/c my leg hurt. I ran anyway - but got lost and only ran 16 miles, but it was great! On my run I saw snakes, prairie dogs and pretty flowers. Then on Thursday I ran ten miles. And my goal on Saturday was to run 2o miles. But I spoke to Brother Gudmenson - who has run many many marathons and told me I should take it easy for the next two weeks or I may not be able to run it at all.

I went swimming instead but it was not as good of a workout as running - and it was boring. I ran a few more days the week of the race and wrapped my leg. I constantly iced it too. Turns out I had a stress fracture in my leg. Many people told me to not run the marathon and tried to discourage me from my goal - saying things like: I wouldn't be able to ever run again, and I would end up in a cast blaw blaw blaw. I didn't care. I was going to run it - and I was going to reach my goal.

The race is in Logan. I drove up alone and stayed at my friend Tim Belmont's house. After sleeping a few hours I woke at 4am. Outside it was pouring rain! I was worried the race would be ruined with lightning and rain. I remember hoping it would be canceled earlier that week, scared my leg would hurt too badly to finish the race.

I got on the bus, made a few friends, and huddled with others at the top of the cold canyon. The furthest I had run at once was 16 miles. I was surprised at my 1st mile's time of 7:11 - b/c I was taking it easy - nervous about my leg.

I used the porta-potty at mile 13. Mile 26 was THE HARDEST MILE EVER! I was using hard candy the whole time to keep my blood sugar steady and give me some energy. Sadly I ran out of candy at mile 22 so by mile 25 I was going to faint.

Then an Angel in disguise came running next to me and told me I could keep going and to push it - so I did and I ended up leaving her behind for a bit - then ran outta energy again she caught up to me and encouraged me once more to keep going. SO we ran together for a bit and I remember and old lady with a cane telling us that we only had three blocks left to go. I remember wanting to take her cane and hit her with it - I'll show you three blocks!!

When I saw the end I took off in a sprint - once again leaving that angel behind and finishing in 4:02:58 I didn't reach my goal of 3:40 nor my goal of under 4 - but i reached my goal of running a marathon this year!!

Afterwards I fell down on my back in the mud and the Sky opened and poured even more rain! I just layed there clutching my cookie and ice cream bar - laying in the rain.

Later on that Angel came to me and thanked me for running with her - I gave her a hug and told her she was the one who helped me!